Our customer set us a huge task. She wanted her entire garden updated as it had been growing out of control for over twenty years. Our initial view was that it was a very large and daunting project, but one that would provide great results if done well.
The property was large (about 1/3 of an acre) with a small front yard and a much larger back yard. The block was severely sloping from front to back, meaning that anything we pulled out of the ground had to be barrowed or hauled about 50m to our trailer parked at the front of the property. Our only saving grace was that we did the majority of the job in the cooler months of September and October.
There were two feature garden beds in the back yard and both were completely overrun with weeds of all descriptions, including stinging nettles. We spent the entire first day just clearing the weed infestation, removing about 6 cubic metres of weeds. Old and dead shrubs and small trees also had to be removed as well as a substantial amount of pruning.
Existing garden beds had to be re-designed and new garden edging installed. We were able to re-use dozens of bluestone bricks as part of the redesign, saving the owner several hundred dollars in the process. I can't stress how much of a difference garden edging makes to the overall look of a garden. It provides definition and a distinction between garden and lawn areas. Pathways were redefined and resurfaced to provide access to the newly refreshed garden spaces.
All gardens can be attractive and welcoming places, no matter what condition they may have gotten into, it just takes a little imagination and a lot of determination and sweat. AT Tappy's we take a lot of pride in helping customers get back into their garden, we love making your garden look great again.