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Peter Tapscott

So you need to know if Composting is worthwhile!

The answer is very simple, YES!!

If you'd like to see plenty of vigorous produce out of your veggie patch then you can't go wrong if you give them a little tender care through a composting program. We started our veggie garden in earnest about 4 years ago and the first year was very disappointing to say the least. The soil was purportedly good, being an old potato farm some years beforehand, yet our harvest results were meager at best. The problem puzzled me and whilst I expecetd better, I did realise that I hadn't given compost the importance it deserves.

Four harvest years later and the turn around in results is amazing. In our first year we tried growing broad beans, snow peas and a bunch of other veg and we were pretty much failing comprehensively. As a gardener I needed to do much better. I started collecting all my food scraps, fallen leaves from customer's deciduous trees, weeds (after drowning them), chook poo, horse poo and just about anything I could reduce to compostible material. (A quick tip is to use your lawn mower to reduce the strength and size of leaf and small green twigs). The smaller chunks compost so much more quickly.

I am very happy to report that our crop is now a bounty richer than we can cope with. Lucky for us there's always family and friends who benefit from out green fingers). Our soil has that beautiful dark chocolate colour and is full of worms and is always easy to work with. Composting also makes it easier to deal with pulling out weeds. Compost provides more air into your soil, meaning that weeds don't get stuck in the hard gluggy soil you get without compost.

Once you get in the habit of putting all your faith in composting you won't look back and you'll definitely love the quality and quantity of goodies you can produce. So what are you waiting for? Go out and buy a couple of compost bins or if you have enough room, make them out of old pallets (as I did). You need at least two so you can let one rest and decompose whilst you're filling the other one.

Good luck and let me know how you get on.

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