From a gardeners perspective there is nothing worse than a potentially lovely looking garden setting than a bunch of weeds taking centre stage. Weeds can dramatically affect the presentation of plants, shrubs and trees and take away from the aesthetic aspirations you originally had for your garden.
If you're worried about the ongoing maintenance of weeds, keep your garden as simple as possible. Only plant out garden spaces that you think you can easily manage. This means looking forward to keeping the garden weed free. Many people find weeding cathartic, but that can quickly change if the task is overwhelming. We usually find it's at this point that we get a call to come in a get things back under control.
A mix of lawn and garden spaces that you only need to spend a couple of hours a week maintaining is a whole lot more satisfying than trying to keep up with the Jones's.
Regularly check each garden space and pull out those few weeds as they appear. This method ensures a consistent look and never has you spending an inordinate amount of time on your hands and knees, which has to be a good thing!
I look after many gardens of 1 acre or more and my only weapon to controlling weeds is to do a little, often. Employ this tip and you too will be enjoying the plants and beauty of your garden a lot more.